Tuesday 11 January 2011

Tumble what ?

What is with people and Tumblr ? I am such a Tumblr noob but it sounds interesting. Perhaps I should give it a start since it sounds fun. 

I spent my Sunday afternoon cleaning up my desk for more working space, it was interesting to discover what  kinda garbage I've been keeping all this while. 
- 10 Euro Dollar folded under my pencil cup.
- a large amount of CDs I used to burn before I bought my Ipod. 
-  my missing G2 Pen =) 
-  my highschool name tag
- a really old photo of me that I was so fat, I looked like a pumpkin. 

My new workstation / gamestation. My house got an extra computer screen so I just plugged it in and .. tadaaa. so much cooler rite 
I plan to get a nicer sound system for my room with a proper amplifier and separate woofers and speakers and twitters. Hopefully I'm rich enough to get some synth keyboards or some MIDI controllers to play around. 

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