Wednesday 29 December 2010

A Sad Picture

*photo from Melaka Album

Melaka Jonker Streets, is where I found this lil girl. At this age, we were having fun playing toys, watching tv, traveling around or spend some quality time with the family laughing off something silly. She didn't seem like she had a chance to experience some of our luxurious childhood days, where you get a Nanny or a maid to just get you water from the kitchen. 

I felt pity, when I saw a frail and puny girl, biting on her jaw, crossing her knees that gives you an immediate impression where she is starving. She looks weak enough, yet she has to help her mom with her business, she spends her night whacking those rock hard candy instead of playing with her sisters and friends, just to make sure she gets food on the table tomorrow morning. Not like I'm filthy rich, but I contribute and do what I can, I bought a packet of those rock-hard-candy. 

Sometimes, I just don't know who to go to when I have problems. Sometimes, I just have no one to go to

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