Thursday 11 September 2008

End of The World ?

Is the end of the world near the reef of our life?
Scientists and engineers from 80 countries gathered, almost 8000 of them involved and about 14 billion£ being spared with a 20 staggering years of time to put this experiment together. This is THE WORLD LARGEST EXPERIMENT. Read up the newspaper to understand more about the LARGE HADRON COLLIDER (LHC).

The aim for this experiment is to find another smaller particle than Hydrogen. Hydrogen was discovered and was clarified to be the smallest particle in the world. So now, they are trying to find another particle smaller than Hydrogen by colliding two hydrogen particle to break down into smaller particles. Its like trying to find the small bits of bullets when two guns shot at each other. This is a new discovery if it succeeds. Or, this experiment also was ment to find out how big bang is formed.~

Some say this could be the end of the world if it explodes. But no one knows because at the maximum velocity means 99.99% of light, the wiehgt of the proton is 7000 times heavier. . From a circle of a few metres, to 7km, to 27km of tunnel was made with the time of 20 years. The largest 27km circumference tunnel stretching from France and Switzerland will be filled with protons travelling at almost the speed of light with the help of magnetic charges.

The test was carried out on the 10th September which is today but it was just a test run. The main full power collision will be carried out at the end of October.

This video explains it all.

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